Joel Andren - CEO and Founder

Joel is a startup entrepreneur and has worked in PR in-house, on the agency side, and as a client. Joel is active in the San Francisco startup community as a speaker and advisor. Joel was marketing lead and employee #4, 5, and 6 at early-stage software companies and co-founded enterprise storage company, Bitcasa. He received an MA in Communication with a PR focus and started his career at the third-largest PR firm in Seattle.

Lauren Schiffman - Account Director

A 20-year veteran of the communications field, Lauren has successfully developed and implemented public relations plans for her clients in the fields of healthcare, human services, B2B and non-profit. She has developed and executed several award-winning campaigns for clients and has successfully nominated clients for awards in their respective fields. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Roy H. Park School of Communications at Ithaca College. A native New Yorker, Lauren is proud to call Massachusetts home.

Paul Denya - CTO and Founder

A lifelong coder, Paul built the platform that helps startups manage their PR effectively. Previously, Paul was employee #2 at HelloSign and developed microsites at New York ad agencies. Based in North Carolina, he continues to guide PressFriendly's technology vision. His deep expertise in startups and technology development brings invaluable insights to the agency and its clients, ensuring they stay ahead in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.